Better health with microhabits
Prioritizing health and well-being in the workplace not only reduces sick leave but also improves the work environment and boosts productivity.
That’s why we started Holistal – a service centered on evidence-based scientific methods for micro habits. These routines involve small everyday pauses that often have a significant impact on our health personally and contribute to improving overall public health.
Holistal is part of KI Innovation Alumni

What are micro habits?
Micro habits are small lifestyle changes that are easy to integrate into daily life, such as adjustments to diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management. Completely overhauling one’s lifestyle can often feel overwhelming, but making changes in small, manageable steps makes success more achievable. Extensive research in behavioral science shows that many common workplace issues—such as stress, low motivation, or mental health challenges—can be prevented through good micro habits.
A background in research
Sweden faces significant health challenges, dominated by cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and lung diseases. At Holistal, we are proud to contribute with intensified, scientifically based efforts to prevent ill health.
Our service is aimed at companies and organizations. We coach employees to create good habits regarding diet, eating behavior, sleep, exercise, energy and mindfulness/conscious presence.

We focus on five interrelated areas for better health - diet/eating behavior, sleep, exercise/activity, energy and mindfulness/stress.
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Our solution is a hybrid between the digital and the physical. We use a digital platform through both an app and a dashboard. In addition, we offer coaching in nutrition , exercise and self-leadership .
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We don't like "one size fits all". Our solution is individually tailored and our AI produces advice that is tailored specifically for you, no one else.
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A person's life does not consist of isolated parts - they are all connected and influence each other. Therefore, we have designed a holistic solution based on evidence-based behavioral science.

The effect of our digital tool and coaching
Increased productivity
Better balance
Meet some of our customers and partners